Choose Your Membership

Side Hustle

$25.00 /month
$250.00 /year
  • Networking Groups & Live Streams
  • Member Directory Listing
  • Online Library Access
  • Add Event Listings
  • 1 Ticket to The Bright Ideas Show each month

Business Builder

$49.00 /month
$490.00 /year
  • Networking Groups & Live Streams
  • Featured Member Directory Listing
  • Online Library Access
  • Add Single & Recurring Event Listings
  • 2 Tickets to The Bright Ideas Show each month
  • Share Guest Content for Publication

Local Connector

$149.00 /month
+ $99.00 Setup
  • Networking Groups & Live Streams
  • Featured Member Directory Listing
  • Online Library Access
  • Add Single & Recurring Event Listings
  • 25 Tickets to The Bright Ideas Show each month
  • Share Guest Content for Publication
  • Logo on Home Page
  • Basic Access for Your Members

Frequently asked questions

Who should join Entrepreneurs who are starting and building their own business. We also welcome professionals who serve small business owners.

What are the benefits of becoming an member? Your membership gets you access to a diverse community of entrepreneurs and resources to help you succeed.

Are your networking groups industry-exclusive? No. networking groups are open to members in every industry.

I’m already a member of a local networking group. Should I still join? Yes. Many of our members are a part of other local networking groups. Each organization provides a unique value proposition that will help you grow your business.

I’m part of a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company. Could I still join? Maybe. If your goal is to recruit representatives, is not a fit.

Do you offer a discount for nonprofit organizations? Yes. We are happy to donate our Side Hustle membership to recognized 501(c)3 Organizations focused on economic development and opportunity with a service area in Indiana. Contact us to get started.