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The Power of Immersion – Scott A Jones – Sparks Headliner June 17, 2015

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Watch as Scott A. Jones demonstrates the power of immersion through several real life illustrations. To learn more about Eleven Fifty Academy and Scott visit

Scott Jones is a veteran entrepreneur, inventor, strategist and venture capitalist. In short, he is an instigator of world-changing things. At age 25, he co-founded Boston Technology where he invented a massively scalable, easy to use voicemail system that has been used by over 2.5 billion people around the world. As an inventor, Scott has already been awarded 38 patents from the U.S. patent and Trademark Office, with several more pending.

An active leader in the community, Scott has served on numerous boards including the Indianapolis Children’s museum and Indianapolis Zoo. Two decades ago, he established the Scott A Jones Foundation, which supports educational and research activities which helped fund the award winning Dinosphere at the museum and the new orangutan exhibit at the zoo.

What does Scott do on his free time? He hacks hardware such as Galaxia, building mobile apps and exploring the world and its food with his wife and children.

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