SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

From There to Here – Sandi Ballard – Sparks Headliner July 2015

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Let’s follow Sandi Ballard’s journey to reaching her goal in her talk, “From There to Here”. Visit her at to know more about Sandi.

Sandi has had a diverse career background, always filled with entrepreneurialism, in focus and spirit. At age 24, she started her first business, Visual Communication Design Studio. With the tagline, “We make YOU look good”, she was constantly looking for ways to help others. Sandi always had a passion for networking and connecting others and the innate ability for keeping clients on-task and accountable.

Prior to starting Growing Forward Success Coaching, Sandi ran multiple businesses simultaneously, the most unique being a Women’s Professional Football Team.

Sandi believes the key to success lies in Focus, Motivation and Accountability.

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