SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

I Am No Ordinary Man – Francine Carter Headliner – Sparks November 2016

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Watch and learn from Francine as she relates the lessons she learned from her father’s death. To learn more about Francine visit her LinkedIn profile at

Francine Carter is a Life & Leadership Coach with her company, Action Coaching & Training, LLC. She specializes in working with leaders, professional helpers and wonder women to prevent, recognize, and reverse their path to burn out, compassion fatigue and a tattered wonder woman cape.  As she says, “it takes one to know one”. And because she is also a Licensed Clinical Therapist she tells her clients, “when you sit up you are in coaching and when you lie down you can be in therapy.”  She hopes she is seen as an active force empowering people to unselfishly and unapologetically live their life openly, honestly, boldly, and humorously. Her favorite quote, “You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”

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