Watch and learn to find your power as Rochelle shares some of her life lessons and how she set herself free.

Pain Power Purpose – Rochelle Forrest Hankins – Sparks January 10th 2018

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Watch and learn to find your power as Rochelle shares some of her life lessons and how she set herself free. To learn more about Rochelle visit her LinkedIn profile at

Rochelle Forrest Hankins is a nurse by training, Rochelle founded Tummies-Minds-Spirits The dream at TMS is to create communities where children get the support they need to dream big and build extraordinary lives, permanently breaking the cycle of poverty.  Additionally Rochelle is an author who shares her personal story of transforming her life from pain to power to purpose. Rochelle feels We must be aware of our stories of pain, power and purpose, and take full responsibility for our personal growth.

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