SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

Beliefs to Reality – Tim Shurr – Sparks December 2018

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Tim Shurr shows that your beliefs determine whether or not your dreams come true. To learn more about Tim visit his LinkedIn profile by clicking on this link

Our second speaker is Tim Surr. After studying human behavior for the last 30 years and facilitating over 10,000 hypnosis sessions, Tim Shurr discovered the secrets to programming your brain for massive success! His Shurr Success strategies work so well, he’s been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX NEWS and on the TEDx stage. Tim is an award-winning Leadership speaker, expert in Subconscious Communication, and author of several books including Get Out Of Your Way, The Power Of Optimism and Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind! Tonight, Tim will be sharing his #1 secret for turning dreams into a reality!

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