Watch as Dr Ping helps us understand Bitcoin and the 4th industrial revolution.

Bitcoin: The First Wave of Industry 4.0 – Dr Pingnan Shi – Sparks March 2018

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Watch as Dr Ping helps us understand Bitcoin and the 4th industrial revolution. To learn more about Dr Ping visit his LinkedIn profile at

Dr Ping is the co-founder and Chief Disruption Officer of Amplify Indy. He is also a high school math teacher at the Greenwood Christian Academy.  He has worked in the hi-tech industry for 16 years as a senior engineer and later a group manager. He has fifteen US patents and keeps up to date with emerging technologies. His passion is to help inner city kids escape the school to prison pipeline and train them to become entrepreneurs and revitalize their communities. He enjoys reading theology, philosophy, math, physics, history, and politics. He also runs barefoot half and full marathons to raise awareness of mental illness and teenage suicide.

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