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We’re All Crazy – Chris Reed – Sparks November 2017

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Watch as Sparks founder Chris Reed relates a personal story of how one life changing moment led him to make better relational decisions. To learn more about Chris visit his LinkedIn profile at

Chris Reed is known as the founder of Sparks is also the founder of Cast A Bigger Net an event driven marketing firm that utilizes events as catalysts that leverage existing clients to draw in new prospects. Chris has consulted with businesses ranging from those with zero employees to uber entrepreuers like Scott Jones the founder of start ups like Cha Cha and Eleven Fifty Academy.  Chris’ ideas, strategies and consulting have helped thousands of people see new opportunities and expand their businesses through what was previously unfamiliar territory.

Also known as Captain Selfie a persona he created to help promote brands, bands, bars and restaurants. You can learn more about him at He loves to make people laugh, through his jokes, dancing and karaoke. He is a social media marketing geek and a huge Star Wars geek.

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