SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

Dreams to Reality – Don Wettrick – Sparks Headliner December 2018

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Don Wettrick talks frankly about what is obsolete in modern education and what really matters for our kids’ futures. To learn more about Don visit his LinkedIn profile by clicking this link

Our headliner tonight is Don Wettrick. Don is the Innovation Coordinator at Noblesville High School, and is the author of “Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation.”  He is also the founder of StartEdUp Foundation, an organization dedicated to have students collaborate with nonprofits and think like an entrepreneur. Lastly, Don hosts a Podcast, StartEdUp, where he interviews some of the top entrepreneurs and thought leaders like Gary V, Seth Godin, Amy Wilkinson, and Daniel Pink to weigh in on what educations needs to do to prepare our youth.  Please help me welcome Don Wettrick.

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