SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

FEAR – Jenn Starkey – Sparks October 2019

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Watch as Jenn Starkey teaches us a lesson about FEAR using some practical applications. To learn more about Jenn visit her LinkedIn profile by clicking this link

Jenn Starkey. Is. A. FORCE.

For over a decade, she’s criss-crossed the forgotten corners of the U.S. and Canada, doing the deep work to give young Athletes and Youth Leaders the High Performance Tools to become CONFIDENT, TOUGH and INDEPENDENT in Sports, School, and Life. She is on a mission to find REAL SOLUTIONS to the BIG challenges currently facing our culture – she believes changing the way we think, specifically about leadership, education and health, is the PATH to finding the solutions we seek. She is building an ARMY of everyday people who are COMMITTED to leading the charge.

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