How Snapchat Saved My Life – Varun Nigam – Sparks September 2015

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Watch as Varun Nigam encourages us to start authoring your life on How Snapchat Saved My Life. To know more about Varun, visit him at

Varun Nigam always planned to follow a secure route into the orthodontics industry at Indiana University-Bloomington until he ran into his first “quarter life crisis”. He was asked the question, “What do you want?” by a multimillionaire marketing guru 3 years ago. After realizing he was in a analysis paralysis, Varun  wanted to find out what he wanted.

Varun is a catalyst to help people become the best version of themselves. He built a sales organization of nearly 900 distributors/customers within 3 years in 12 countries. He currently runs the You Before Me Foundation and has directly impacted the lives of nearly 500 deserving people; UB4ME was featured on a TED Talk after its involvement with the Mayor of Louisville, KY. He also runs an event business called BangBang Productions that focuses on wealth generation for millennials.

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