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Lessons From Super Homey – Eric White – Sparks Tech February 2016

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Watch Eric White of Motile teach us a lessons on how to understand our customers through the eyes of his 5 year old son better known as Super Homey his superhero persona. To learn more about Eric visit LinkedIn at

Eric has a background in custom business software. He started out as a developer, but eventually focused on how to help businesses operate more efficiently or get more customers through technology improvements.

In 2014, he started Motile — a service company passionate helping businesses understand their customers so they have the information they need to innovate, make better products and design better services.

He the president of the board of Purchased, a non-profit focused on helping Hoosiers become aware of human trafficking that occurs here and gives them an outlet to do something to help fix the problem.

Eric lives in Indianapolis with his wife Clair, daughters Jordan and Keira and his 5 year old son Super Homey.

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