SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

Megan Church Sparks Talk October 2014

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Watch as Megan Church talks with us about the power of being authentically you! This was a powerful talk. To learn more about Megan visit http://

Megan Church is the CEO and founder of MangoFuel LLC, a holistic approach to balancing the FUEL tanks of life, using: food & nutrition, spirituality, relationship work, and passion & purpose to help you thrive rather than merely survive. Using her biology, culinary, nutrition, yoga, and array of fitness backgrounds, she teaches and motivates (in person and via video) to help you fall in love with your truest, authentic self. She is actively creating a “love train” linking people to one another and themselves, using inspirational CDs, a newspaper column, a magazine article, interviews with passionate people, her upcoming book, and her voice in lectures or classes.

You can follow her at:

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