SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

Realistic Optimism – Drew Kincius – Sparks December 2018

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Drew Kincius tell us his story of coming back from the brink. To learn more about Drew visit his LinkedIn profile by clicking this link

Drew is a self-described “realistic optimist.” As 50% of beLithe (be-LYE-thhh), he spearheads the Agile consulting company’s marketing efforts, including social media, advertising copy, and insanely entertaining emails. Drew is the emcee of 1 Million Cups Indianapolis and the co-chair of YNPN Indy, in addition to holding board member roles for Indy VegFest and indyHub’s IndyVolved.

He is a drummer, chronically tapping and nodding. As a devoted husband, cat dad, and doggo daddy, Drew remains ever aware of the closest lint roller while dispensing a steady stream of treats to maintain household morale.

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