SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

Secret Weapons Against the Whatifabouts – Jason Barnaby – Sparks August 9th

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Watch and learn as Jason Barnaby teach us a valuable life lesson.  To learn more about Jason visit his LinkedIn profile at

Jason Barnaby has lived a lot of lives in the life he’s lived. IU grad, founding member of IU Dance Marathon, professional ski bum, college professor, coffee shop owner, training and development facilitator, church music leader, marathon runner, missionary, curriculum writer, sales director, house rehabber, committed husband, devoted father. Born in Indianapolis, and raised in Pike Township, he has also lived in Colorado and Poland (yes, the country). Jason is passionate about facilitating AHA moments wherever he goes. He is currently finishing his first book called Fire Starters—5 stories of people who said “so what” to their whatifabouts.

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