Strategic Conversations that Convert with speaker Jennifer Hines at Monday Networking on Zoom

Strategic Conversations that Convert

Jennifer Hines, founder of Accelerated Sales & Leadership and creator of The High-Producer Sales Playbook joins us to share how to create strategic conversations that convert more sales for your business.

Jennifer has been helping growth companies attract, hire and develop high producers with a proven system that has 95% predictive validity, and she has a proven track record for founding and growing her previous sales company from zero to over $100M in annual sales.

Here’s the transcript for this video: 

Ryan Henry: Well, everybody I would like now to introduce our speaker today and May is business image Improvement Month. And this week is small business week So what an excellent way to start our month with Jennifer Hines who is going to share with us today’s strategic conversations that convert. So, everyone, let’s give Jennifer a hand.

Jennifer Hines: Alright, so, unfortunately we’ve got a short amount of time and I tried to prepare an overview for you. But to give you some tactical things that you can implement following this meeting and you know I want to begin by saying finding and closing business is tougher than it’s ever been.: In fact, the days of successfully selling and who-knows-who environment are long gone and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you all that, but and don’t get me wrong, you know.

Jennifer Hines: It’s the best of the best when you can get somebody that knows you and refers you. Those tend to be the best prospects. But, generally speaking, most companies can’t wait for those.

Jennifer Hines: In other words, you should be actively seeking them, but sitting back and hoping that you’re going to get them isn’t going to be enough to accelerate your growth.

Jennifer Hines: I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but sales is the oxygen in your business and whether you happen to be the number one key salesperson as the owner of your business, or if you have a team of salespeople, what I can tell you is that if you are not sharpening your saw.

Jennifer Hines: And becoming more effective in every sales conversation that you’re having, you’re going to either find yourself losing to the competition or the status quo.

Jennifer Hines: And as I like to tell, every client we have, status quo is actually your biggest competitor. It’s not the competitor that you think it is, it’s people staying put with what they already have.

Jennifer Hines: So strategic conversations do one of two things. They either allow you to advance or close business more effectively and efficiently. Or they allow you to disqualify a prospect much quick, more quickly and effectively.

Jennifer Hines: And so I want to share with you a formula that I can tell you is critical to your success and accelerating growth, and it’s simply this. The quality of every connection you’re making, plus the quantity or, excuse me, the quality of each sales conversation you’re having are going to equal the quantity of your sales conversions and as simple as that sounds, effectively conducting sales conversations is where most companies that we interact with fall short.

Jennifer Hines: You know first and foremost building know, like, and trust quickly and early in your sales process. And then enhancing the quality of every sales conversation that you’re having should allow you to advance those prospects to whatever the appropriate next step is and will ultimately determine the amount of new business that you’re generating.

Jennifer Hines: The key though to all of this is having a formalized sales process and when I say formalized, it needs to be milestone centric and staged, and I can tell you it’s literally the most important component of converting more business if we’re working with a larger organization who has sales people.

Jennifer Hines: When we come in and help somebody develop their proprietary sales process, we can impact sales by more than 15%. with just that. Now, what I find, and especially with Solopreneurs and please don’t take offense to that because I was one for many, many years more than a decade and what I can tell you is that predominantly most wing it.

Jennifer Hines: They don’t have a formalized milestone centric sales process, and in fact because they don’t have it, oftentimes the prospect is the one leading the conversation. OK, so key to your sales success and accelerating growth is starting with the milestone centric sales process.

Jennifer Hines: And then every step along the way is about your effective execution of that process.

Jennifer Hines: Now I wanted to share with you 10 keys to a quality conversation.

Jennifer Hines: I want to focus there because quickly building rapport and trust is a whole topic in itself and I I chose to focus on this today because I believe I can give you a very tactical framework to start using.

Jennifer Hines: Right away the 10 keys to a quality conversation at a high level begin with a compelling introduction. You have to get people attention from the moment you speak with them.

Jennifer Hines: And let me give you an example. I could have told you all in an introduction that I do sales training versus I help companies find and close more new business. You see the difference?

Jennifer Hines: So, I would encourage all of you to go back and look at the introduction.

Jennifer Hines: To even use today and are you talking on features and benefits or are you talking compelling through the eyes of the person that you’re speaking to?

Jennifer Hines: Positioning. You need to take control of every sales conversation you’re having. And so a positioning statement oftentimes will sound something like this.

Jennifer Hines: I’m just going to demonstrate it for you, ad Lib here, so if it’s all right with you now imagine I’m talking to you.

Jennifer Hines: Personally, I’d like to share how I thought we might proceed today to give you the most value. Would that be alright, and you’re going to say, sure.

Jennifer Hines: So, I want to begin with a brief introduction of myself. Spend just a few minutes there certainly answer any questions you might have about our business, but I want to spend the majority of the time asking you a lot of questions about your business, your goals, and your challenges along the way, I’m going to sprinkle in some ideas as I have them and I’ll be happy to share those with you. And all I ask is that when we get to the end, we can mutually agree on whatever the appropriate next step would be. Would it be alright with you if we proceed in that way?

Jennifer Hines: That’s what I mean by a positioning statement. So, the beautiful thing is you can fill in the middle of that with this with whatever content is appropriate for that meeting. But that’s how you allow yourself to keep control of that sales conversation.

Jennifer Hines: Know where you’re at in the sales ladder. I’m going to show you what that looks like in a second here. But the key is depending on where you’re at in sales ladder, you need to have an objective for that meeting. What’s the outcome that is appropriate for the conversation you’re having based on where you’re at in sales?

Jennifer Hines: Selling is not telling.

Jennifer Hines: OK, and here’s another vulnerability of many people who are in a sales position or sales conversation and that is telling people what you have to offer, telling people what your benefits are. The key to effective sales conversations are the quality of questions that you’re asking. You build interest when you ask quality questions.

Jennifer Hines: Second, which is a layer beneath that, is seeking to understand too often when people answer questions. They speak in ambiguity now. What I mean by ambiguity is just something vague like, uhm, you know, our process is good.

Jennifer Hines: Well, what does good mean? So, we’ve got to listen for that, and you’ve got to peel back the onion in order to seek to understand where somebody is at and what they really need. And so this is all about asking more and better questions.

Jennifer Hines: The vulnerability I’ll mention again, is jumping way too quickly into your solutions before seeking to understand. Delivering your solutions is all about compelling value propositions. Value propositions are only compelling when they’re through the eyes of who your prospect is. Not your eyes.

Jennifer Hines: And we’ll talk a little bit more about that understanding, buyer motivation is how we really move somebody into desire to working with you. Higher motivation isn’t what’s at the superficial level, it’s really the why behind the why. And again, you’re only going to get there based on the quality of questions that you’re asking in conducting your sales conversation.

Jennifer Hines: Controlling your own emotions is critical in your sales conversations. What I mean by that is being able to actively listen and be present in a conversation when you can identify that in a conversation, your inner voice was the loudest voice in the room, except nobody else heard it, but you, I promise you the ability to ask more and better questions is compromised.

Jennifer Hines: And so that’s training you’ve got to really actively train yourself to stay present. It’s critical to keep the wall of defense down in the conversation. Understand that when people come into the front end of the conversation, emotions tend to be high, especially if you’ve reached out to them as opposed to them reaching out to you. But either way, people will tend to have a wall of defense up.

Jennifer Hines: They don’t want to be sold. None of us wants to be sold. So, conducting a quality conversation means that you deliberately keep the wall of defense down.

Jennifer Hines: Now that’s a big topic in itself. That we’re not going to have time to get into today. But suffice to say, the better you are at keeping the wall of defense down, the fewer objections that you’re going to have to address in the course of your conversations.

Jennifer Hines: And then lastly, it’s all about connecting to somebody behavioral style and I don’t know if any of you are familiar with disc. I happened to have been certified in it two decades ago. And what I can tell you is based on how each one of us is wired behaviorally, we will have a tendency to resonate more versus less depending on words that we’re using.

Jennifer Hines: Some of you may be very results oriented, very task oriented. And subsequently, you’re going to resonate more when I choose words like that in my conversation. Some of you are going to be more on the relationship driven side, whereby that feeling of warmth and acceptance is immensely important to you. Knowing that the person you’re talking to about potential services or products cares is going to be a high priority.

Jennifer Hines: So learning how to identify this and then using language that connects is very, very powerful in conducting a quality conversation that connects as opposed to disconnects.

Jennifer Hines: Now I know I went through a whole lot there and there’s lots of depth to all of this, but this does give you keys to conducting an effective conversation.

Jennifer Hines: Now I mentioned the sales ladder and very quickly if you look to the right of the screen. That’s the sales ladder that I was referring to. So, if you, for instance, in your business have identified either people or companies that you’d like to target. Those are suspects.

Jennifer Hines: Somebody even calling you on the up front side of that conversation is a suspect. Why do I say that? Because we don’t know if they’re qualified to do business or not.

Jennifer Hines: The next step in the sales ladder is to move them to a prospect, when somebody is a prospect, they have an interest and in what you can offer them. It’s not been fully vetted or qualified yet, but there’s an interest.

Jennifer Hines: You’ve identified some level of need as well. To move to mutually qualified. Now what you’ve done is you’ve vetted not only need, but also budget. They can afford what you do.

Jennifer Hines: And then obviously customer means. They’ve accepted your price, your terms, and your offerings, and you’re going to be working together.

Jennifer Hines: Advocate is when asked, somebody would rave about what you have to offer, but again the key there is, they’re asked.

Jennifer Hines: And the goal of for every one of us should be to create raving fans. And the difference between an advocate and a raving fan is simply it’s unprompted. OK, so people want to talk about you and what you’ve done for them and how you’ve done it and they don’t wait to be asked for that.

Jennifer Hines: What I meant is that every conversation you are conducting needs to hinge on where you’re at in this sales ladder. Oftentimes, where people get tripped up and end up sounding salesy, even though that’s probably something you’re quite adverse to, is because we’re talking to a prospect.

Jennifer Hines: Somebody who just has interest and we’re using sales. We’re jumping up multiple ones on that sales ladder, when we jump too quickly into talking about our solutions, we’re doing the same thing.

Jennifer Hines: Now, centric to how I’ve sold for many, many years is an acronym called AIDA and I Don’t Know if any of you have heard of it, but I can tell you there isn’t a conversation whereby this isn’t centric to how I’m conducting that. The acronym stands for attention, interest, desire and action.

Jennifer Hines: OK, so you need to get somebody’s attention again. That should be a compelling introduction, not offer sales training, but I help companies who want to find and close more business and accelerate their growth.

Jennifer Hines: Interest is again where somebody is a prospect.

Jennifer Hines: Now the thing I want to caution you on and maybe you all have experienced this. You can talk to somebody as a prospect and they can stay interested for a very long time without dying. In other words, it stays at interest.

Jennifer Hines: If you go back and look at all the potential business you haven’t closed, I promise you the magic lies between interest and creating desire. The difference between interest and desire is 2 components, urgency and emotion.

Jennifer Hines: So, if you are not establishing urgency to take action to do something about the challenge they have. People will stay interested. If you haven’t created emotion, emotion is going to come from people. Recognizing and discussing the impact their current challenge is having, and I’ll show you how that fits into key questions in a moment. But again, your insight into the lack of business you’ve closed in the past and wonder why is oftentimes going to be the difference between moving from interest to desire or not.

Jennifer Hines: And then lastly, it’s action, getting a commitment. To take that next step.

Jennifer Hines: OK, promise you every sales conversation you have should be fitting into this acronym with intention. With preparation.

Jennifer Hines: Here is a framework for conducting a conversation that converts OK and the way to look at this is the following. When you start a conversation, tension as I like to call it is generally high. Right, nobody wants to be sold. Maybe they have a problem that they’ve got to get fixed now. There’s all sorts of reasons.

Jennifer Hines: Maybe you called in to somebody interrupted their day, which we should be doing, if we’re effectively prospecting and again, they’re busy emotions going to be high. Your goal in building trust and rapport should be to bring tension down. Again, a big topic that I don’t have time to address today, but that’s what we need to be doing from a psychological perspective, is bringing tension down.

Jennifer Hines: Once we do that, we want to build good tension and we do that by asking compelling questions, and I’ll give you the four types of questions in a moment that lead to compelling. When we’re asking compelling questions, we’re building tension.

Jennifer Hines: And what do I mean there? I mean, you are leading people to a place where they desire a solution. They fully recognize the challenge they’re having. And aspire to resolve it. And it’s at that peak where you want to provide your solution, not when you started asking questions. Way back here. But as you built.

Jennifer Hines: Solutions are going to come in the form of value propositions, I’ll explain that in a minute. And once we’ve done that, we want to bring tension back down by gaining commitment again. I want to remind you, gaining commitment should be based on where you’re at in the sales ladder.

Jennifer Hines: So, for me, for example, it is where I would have a one call close. OK. Subsequently, if I’m trying to gain commitment to close to doing business in that initial conversation, I’m going to keep tension high. I’m going to likely sound salesy. Instead, I need to move to the appropriate next step, which might be another meeting, which might mean we need to incorporate another decision maker.

Jennifer Hines: There’s all sorts of scenarios there, but you’ve got to be appropriate in asking for whatever the commitment is based on where you’re at in the sales ladder with someone.

Jennifer Hines: There are four types of questions that fall under the compelling question category. The first begins with status questions and this is where you’re getting some scope. What is it that they’re dealing with? What challenge are they trying to overcome? Did they get there?

Jennifer Hines: They tend to be generalized broad questions, and by the way, no matter what type of question we’re talking about, you need to really work on making sure they stay open-ended, which means they are not questions that can be answered with yes or no.

Jennifer Hines: OK, so quality questions equal open-ended questions. Who, what, where, when and how. Discovery questions. This is where you start peeling back the onion. It’s where you start rising tension. This is where we have to be very focused on getting to the why behind the why? OK. Centric to conducting an effective discovery question is getting to the why behind the why.

Jennifer Hines: Third, are criteria type questions, now again a reason that you could potentially be missing opportunities is by not understanding what criteria someone going to use to make their decision 100% of the time after you’ve gone through discovery. You should be asking somebody. What is it that you are going to prioritize in making your decision? That’s what I mean by a criteria question.

Jennifer Hines: What are the steps that are going to follow in order to make your decision? So depending on your type of business I’ve got clients in. In one case they need to conduct a water sample before they could go in, and they do sanitation before they could go in and make a decision. So depending on your type of business there could be important steps that would go in the decision making process that you also need to uncover. Those fall under criteria.

Jennifer Hines: And lastly, where you’re going to create impact and really build emotion and move into desire is when you get someone to articulate the consequence of status quo. What happens if you do nothing? What happens if nothing changes? Very specific consequent questions, certainly related to the challenges that you’ve identified.

Jennifer Hines: After you’ve effectively done that. The key now is to offer your solutions in the form of unique selling propositions.

Jennifer Hines: Now here’s the difference between sales training and helping somebody find and close more business. Most people talk to me in that language. You know we’re stuck we’re not finding enough new business. We’re finding new business. We’re not closing enough of that business or it’s staying stuck in our sales process. Those are words that people I work with tend to use.

Jennifer Hines: OK, so when you’re creating or I should say, when you’re delivering sales solutions or solutions that they need, you need to pay attention to the words they’re using. Value propositions should not be your jargon. They need to be the words they are using, in how they describe the challenge and the aspirations that they have for their business.

Jennifer Hines: And so, here’s the key to conducting a strategic conversation that converts, and again, I apologize for such a quick overview there, but suffice to say. What you do to create a strategic conversation is you reverse engineer each value proposition into the questions that you need to be asking, and I gave you the four types of questions.

Jennifer Hines: OK, so for example let me show you how this works if I know a key value proposition in my business is somebody needs to find more opportunities. I’m going to work backwards to be in a position to deliver that value proposition, so here’s what this looks like if I suspect Ryan that you know you’re looking for more prospects.

Jennifer Hines: I don’t know yet ’cause we haven’t gotten into a full blown discovery.

Jennifer Hines: But what I could start with as a status question is the following. How important is it to you right now to find more new business? How are you going about that? What’s working what’s not working?

Jennifer Hines: You follow me.

Jennifer Hines: And I’m going to go deeper into those questions, at which point it may or may not be relevant for me to then say to Ryan.

Jennifer Hines: Would there be some value in learning more about how I help companies like yours find more new opportunities?

Jennifer Hines: At that point, it should be a slam dunk to get a yes out of somebody. So, what I encourage you all to do is to sit down and write for yourself when you think about your ideal target market. Your ideal client.

Jennifer Hines: What are the, say 3 to 5 compelling value propositions that your ideal client always says yes to? What are they? And again, get out of your jargon.

Jennifer Hines: Then what I’d like you to do is go back to this framework. What are the status questions you need to ask that are going to lead to each one of those value propositions. What are the discovery questions you should be asking?

Jennifer Hines: Criteria and then of course impact, by the way impact questions are oftentimes very simple, I could ask somebody appropriately, tell me what that means. How so? Those are all getting to impacts. OK, so they are not. Oftentimes there are going to be very spontaneous because you’re really listening and wanting to understand how whatever they’re telling you is impacting the business or themselves.

Jennifer Hines: So, the key again to a strategic conversation that converts is delivering 3 to 5 value propositions that are compelling to your prospect, and you’ve reverse engineered the questions you are specifically asking in that conversation to be positioned to deliver. And that takes some preparation.

Jennifer Hines: I would hope if there’s nothing else that lands with you today, that what does land is that. Winging it in important sales conversation should be days gone by. I’ve been in sales my whole life. I’ve been teaching what I teach for 22 years and I can tell you I never wing a sales conversation ever.

Jennifer Hines: So the idea is you are strategically leading the horse to water. Somebody saying yes to you whether it’s advancing to the next conversation. So a closing question could appropriately be based on what we’ve discussed today.

Jennifer Hines: Catherine, I’m proposing that we meet again in the next week. How does that sound? That’s a closing question, not for the business. For the next step, we could have advanced to a place, however, where I say instead Catherine, based on everything we’ve said and what I’ve heard is that you need X, Y & Z. And here’s how I’ve suggested we can help with that.

Jennifer Hines: I’m proposing blank now. I’m closing on the business. The key is when you have been effective in leading the horse to water, you don’t have to ask for the business. They ask you how do we get started? How soon can we get started? What’s it going to look like to start this process?

Jennifer Hines: But recognize very importantly asking for the appropriate commitment has to be based on where you’re at in your sales process, analogous to that sales ladder.

Jennifer Hines: So I’m going to pause here and open it up for questions ’cause I know I went very quickly and stayed pretty high level on most things, but I’m happy to take any very specific questions you might have for your business.

Katherine Jiménez: So if I may, that was excellent. By the way. Thank you so much. I wanted to make sure that I understood correctly if a person that is a potential prospect for me is saying certain words that I need to really focus. Respond in order to ask my questions in regards to your mentioning reverse engineering questions.

Katherine Jiménez: I’m sorry if I didn’t actually put that together correctly, but my point is that if they’re telling them certain things while I’m listening to pick up on what their needs are in order for me to address them, I need to make sure that I use the same words that they’ve used with me in order to ask them the questions that will help me strategically lead them. It was.

Jennifer Hines: Yeah, so the words you’re listening for that they use should be how you frame up your solutions your value propositions. OK, now all of you should be very clear on what those are like. I say ideally 3 to 5. What I mean by reverse engineering is that in your planning, if you start with what you perceive, just knowing who the individual is, you’re going to talk to or if you’re selling B2B, what that business looks like? What they do?

Jennifer Hines: Those type of things you should be able to list what those value propositions you expect to be compelling are. And now appropriately plan each of those categories of questions that I gave you. That’s how you lead the horse to water.

Jennifer Hines: Thank you, see most people in a selling conversation. They’ll ask questions like, uhm, you know, tell me about your business. Or they’ll ask a question that has no relevance to leading to the end result you want. They’re just questions.

Jennifer Hines: So being very strategic about the questions you’re asking in the time you have, ’cause most of us are lucky to get an hour with somebody these days, especially in a discovery call, you have to be very strategic in the questions you’re asking, because they ultimately need to lead to the commitment you want at the end of that conversation.

Katherine Jiménez: Yes, Jennifer, and that’s where my next question lies. So, in that case, because let’s say you just randomly run into someone that is a potential future prospect for you. So, I just want to make sure, do you strategically plan that after the first meeting and then follow up? And that’s where you implement that? Or do you simply already have that set up in general to address.

Jennifer Hines: Set up with general.

Katherine Jiménez: OK, that’s what I thought

Jennifer Hines: Yeah, because you know, typically you’re going to be dealing with whoever that is, is a target prospect, right? It’s not random, and so you should already have a good sense of who buys from you and why they buy. Those are those end up being those value propositions that you want to prepare for in the type of questions you’re asking.

Katherine Jiménez: Makes sense, yes.

Jennifer Hines: I can tell you historically, if I have positioned between those three and five value propositions throughout a conversation ’cause they don’t all happen at once. Questions I’m asking her to lead the value proposition #1. Maybe they don’t land. Now I’ve got to move to the second set of questions, right?

Jennifer Hines: But when I deliver three to five value propositions in a conversation, I can tell you the conversion rate is off the charts high. It’s almost 100%. Unless my questions have disqualified someone. Because you’re selling value now through the eyes of somebody else.

Katherine Jiménez: Thank you.

Matthew Riley: I have a question. So, so it’s not super specific. But one of the questions that some people ask in sales calls is, what’s your budget? And some people absolutely hate that question, and other people say it’s necessity to be asking that. Can you give me a little bit of feedback on what you think about that?

Jennifer Hines: Yeah, so I want you guys to imagine a baseball diamond right now. Let me give this for context. At first base we have a suspect. At second base we have a prospect. At third base we have a shopper. And then home, we’ve closed the business. Does that make sense?

Jennifer Hines: All right. If you are just rounding first base and asking somebody what’s your budget? That’s not good timing. OK, it’s jumping ahead on the sales ladder.

Jennifer Hines: However, when you’re close to second base and looking to start qualifying, now is the time to start talking about what does the potential budget look like now?

Jennifer Hines: Matt, in your business, you can fly under the radar a little bit with that and I’ll tell you how I did it in the early years of my business.

Jennifer Hines: I didn’t have to flat out say what’s your, what’s your budget for a business coach? ’cause I can tell you in 1990 nobody knew what a business coach was, but that’s what my business did. And so, what I would always ask is tell me what are you currently spending in marketing right now.

Matthew Riley: OK.

Jennifer Hines: And I’ll tell you something I found, if somebody was spending $1000 or more. They had budget. How did I know that? Because most often that $1000 was going into a big black hole. They weren’t getting ROI on it.

Matthew Riley: Got it, yeah it makes sense.

Jennifer Hines: You can also fly under the radar. I will tell you this. If the whole topic of uncovering where somebody’s budget is is uncomfortable to you, that is a deeply rooted belief system at play, and it’s common and what I’ll just tell you is that to be effective in advancing opportunities or disqualifying them before you invest too much time requires you get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Matthew Riley: OK.

Jennifer Hines: So just think in terms of the baseball diamond like I gave you and think like this, I need to be on second base and then I start need to start uncovering budgets.

Matthew Riley: All right, awesome, thank you. That’s a great answer.

Jennifer Hines: Anybody else?

Ryan Henry: Jennifer, I have a question. So, how do you, when if you make it into the process and then discover that person you’re talking to is not a good fit. What’s the best strategy for making sure that you’re not spending too much time in a meeting where it’s not a good fit but also not coming off as rude or impolite to the person you’re meeting with?

Jennifer Hines: So, if you do the positioning statement I gave you. And remember the last thing I said in a positioning statement is that all I’m asking is that we come to the end of this meeting, we usually agree on what the appropriate next step should be.

Jennifer Hines: OK. 100% of the time I say that. Well, if I’ve identified Ryan that you aren’t a good fit for what I have to offer, right, I’m doing us both a disservice by continuing the meeting. So, what I’m going to do at that point in time is I’m going to refer back to that statement and it’s going to sound something like this.

Jennifer Hines: You know, Ryan? I know we’re only 30 minutes into our call, but I just want to say this based on what I’ve heard today, it doesn’t sound like it makes sense for us to move forward.

Jennifer Hines: And I might give you the reason why now, based on what I have heard, I might have somebody I can refer you to, right, so I don’t specialize in succession planning and it sounds like that’s a bigger priority for you right now. I do know of a succession planning coach that I would be happy to refer you to. Would that be alright?

Jennifer Hines: So, I always like to end when I’ve disqualified somebody by being resourceful for them a resource.

Ryan Henry: That makes a ton of sense, thank you.

Jennifer Hines: Anything else?

Ryan Henry: Does anyone have any other questions for Jennifer?

Ryan Henry: Alright, well then let’s give Jennifer a hand for her presentation today.

Ryan Henry: And Jennifer, would you like to close with how folks can get ahold of you?

Ryan Henry: If anyone wants to learn more or would like to set a follow up meeting?

Jennifer Hines: Sure, I’m best reached at [email redacted].

Ryan Henry: Well, excellent so.

Ryan Henry: Everyone, thank you very much for attending today’s meeting. A couple of quick upcoming events I’d like to share next week on our meeting, our speaker is going to be Britney Eisenmann from Fort Wayne IN and she’s going to talk about how Employee Engagement Pays You and then the following week on the 16th, our speaker will be Tate Linden, who is in Maryland, and he’s going to talk about the Integrity Lens.

Ryan Henry: So those are our next couple of speakers coming up here. Also, if you are here in Central IN, don’t forget, Friday is our Race to Support Small Business event that is now at Launch Fishers which is up off of 116th St and Interstate 69. So, everyone, thank you again for attending. Have a wonderful week and we’ll see you next time.

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