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Time To Take Massive Action – Cindy Allen – Stuckey – Sparks Headliner December 2015

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Cindy Allen – Stuckey gives us valuable tools to take action in our lives. To learn more about Cindy and her company Making Performance Matter visit her website at

Cindy Allen-Stuckey was our headliner for December 2015. After 20+ years in the business world, Cindy founded Making Performance Matter (MPM) with the purpose of empowering business owners and leaders to achieve sustainable high performance and ACTUALLY REACH their goals. She does this by collaborating with leaders to identify their unique challenges and then by providing business and executive coaching, facilitation and leadership development, & strategic performance improvement.

Prior to founding MPM, Cindy held senior leadership positions in three global manufacturing organizations where she developed solid people strategies that grew their businesses to the next levels. She is certified in Human Performance Improvement, is a Certified On-Site Extended DISC Facilitator, and is a Certified Results Life Coach. Cindy is a regular show host of “Making Performance Matter: Translate Strategy into Action” on Indy Biz TV Shows. MPM is a National Certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE).

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