SPARKS Where Bright Ideas Are Shared

The Power of Curiosity – Tina Jaynes – Sparks Talk November 2014

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Listen as Tina Jaynes talks with us about the power of curiosity. She challenges each of us in this inspirational talk through her use of questions. Learn more about Tina Jaynes by visiting her website at

Tina is the founder of Jaynes Consulting, LLC. They partner with entrepreneurs and organizational leaders on their leadership journey by providing leadership development, culture building, and executive coaching opportunities to ensure they have the competitive advantage when reaching their personal and professional goals. Tina attended Purdue University for her undergrad and MBA degree. She is currently pursuing a PhD in International Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.  She has successful work experiences as an entrepreneur while working for Eli Lilly over the past 12 years. In her free time she loves to read and travel. She has two miniature dogs and she is about to celebrate her 2nd anniversary with her best friend and husband Dave!

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