What Should I Blog About in July 2023? Don't forget to celebrate National Grilling Month and read on to find more ideas! By INSPIREsmall.biz

What Should I Blog About? July 2023

Do you need blog ideas for your business? Check out this post to find topics you can blog about in July 2023. No matter your industry, there are ideas you should blog about in July!

We’ve updated and expanded the list for 2023, and you can find the rest of this series here.


July 2023 Holidays

July is Independent Retailer Month and National Culinary Arts Month. So, for independent retailers and restaurants, make sure that you’re celebrating this month, whether it’s hosting sales and special events, or sharing what makes your establishment unique!

July is also Park & Recreation Month, National Picnic Month, and National Grilling Month. If you help your customers enjoy the great outdoors, these are topics you could use in July. This could include anything from hosting events outdoors, selling picnic basket supplies, giving away grilling recipes, and more! These are flexible holidays and you can be creative.

Operation Safe Driver Week and National Roadside Traffic Safety Month also happen in July. It’s a great time to focus on driving safety as more people are going outside during the summer. Lots of industries deal with cars, traffic, and safety, so you can find ideas that allow you to share your focus on safety while encouraging everyone to be more careful on the roads.


Saturday, July 1 – National Postal Workers Day, International Joke Day, and National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day

Sunday, July 2 – Made in the USA Day and International Day of Cooperatives

Monday, July 3 – Plastic Bag Free Day

Tuesday, July 4 – Independence Day

Wednesday, July 5 – National Workaholics Day

Thursday, July 6 – Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day (we like tacos 😉)

Friday, July 7 – Global Forgiveness Day

Sunday, July 9 – Saturday, July 15 – Operation Safe Driver Week

Tuesday, July 11 – National Pet Photo Day

Thursday, July 13 – Embrace Your Geekness Day

Friday, July 14 – National Tape Measure Day

Saturday, July 15 – National Give Something Away Day and National Pet Fire Safety Day

Sunday, July 16 – Saturday, July 22 – Everybody Deserves a Massage Week

Monday, July 17 – World Emoji Day

Tuesday, July 18 – World Listening Day

Thursday, July 20 – Anniversary of the Moon Landing (1969)

Friday, July 21 – Get to Know Your Customers Day

Saturday, July 22 – Sunday, July 30 – National Moth Week

Monday, July 24 – National Drive-Thru Day and National Thermal Engineer Day

Thursday, July 27 – National Intern Day

Sunday, July 30 – Paperback Book Day

Monday, July 31 – Anniversary of the first patent ever awarded in the United States (1790)


July 2023 Activities

Here are some activities that will be happening in July:

  • Lots of sporting events happen in July. ⚾🥎 🏌️‍♀️ 🏎️

The Tour de France starts July 1 and continues through July 23. The Women’s World Cup of soccer starts on July 10 and continues until August 20. The tennis event at Wimbledon is July 3- 16 in the UK. The NASCAR Cup Series Race at Richmond is July 30. And, of course, we’ve still got baseball going strong all month long!

  • Summer fun continues! ☀️☀️☀️

With the 4th of July and all the outdoor events happening, there is a lot to celebrate with your blogs! You could celebrate National Grilling Month, National Hot Dog Month, National Ice Cream Month, National Baked Beans Month, National Blueberry Month – and those are just the foods for your picnic! Don’t forget the outdoor activities and sports that your business might deal with, and you should have a full calendar of blogs and social media posts.

  • Many kids are still out of school. 👋 🏫

If you work with children or sell products for kids, then you’ll want to know that July is National Make a Difference for Children Month, World Watercolor Month, and National Family Reunion Month. So, no matter what you do, you could find a tie in with one of these holidays in July.


What other activities or events in your industry are happening in July? What do you do for your business every July? How does it impact your customers?


In Conclusion

There are lots of events and activities that happen in July. Hopefully this list has given you some great ideas for blogs and social media content for this month.

Which holidays are you looking forward to in July 2023? Have you planned your July blog topic?

Check out this blog for more tips about brainstorming and writing blogs for your business. What questions do you have about blogging? Let us know in the comments!


Business Resources

  1. Gensler, A. (n.d.). 230+ July Holidays in 2022 | Fun, Weird and Special Dates. Angie Gensler. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.angiegensler.com/july-holidays/.
  2. July Events Calendar for Educators. (n.d.). July Events 2023. The Teachers Corner. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.theteacherscorner.net/calendars/july.php.
  3. Saylor, H. B., & Golay, B. (n.d.). July National Day Calendar. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://nationaldaycalendar.com/july-overview/.
  4. 2023 Holidays – United States. (n.d.). CalendarDate.com. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.calendardate.com/year2023_holidays.php.
  5. Operation Safe Driver Week. (n.d). Consumer Vehicle Safety Alliance. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.cvsa.org/programs/operation-safe-driver/operation-safe-driver-week/.
  6. National Moth Week. (n.d.). NationalMothWeek.com. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://nationalmothweek.org/.
  7. Cook, L. (2021, July 2). “National Workaholics Day” is July 5. Psychology Today. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/decision-principles/202107/national-workaholics-day-is-july-5.
  8. National Intern Day. (n.d.). NationalInternDay.com. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.nationalinternday.com/.
  9. Tour de France. (n.d.). Tour de France. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://www.letour.fr/en/.

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