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What’s Luck Got To Do With It? – Bryan Morrison Headliner – Sparks June 2019

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Bryan got a lucky break right out of college, but was it luck or hard work? To learn more about Bryan visit his LinkedIn profile by clicking this link

Bryan Morrison is an Indianapolis native and multiple business owner. He is a Cathedral graduate and a Vincennes University Alumnus. He has lived in four states and traveled the world. Most recently he visited Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia and went to Costa Rica to facilitate leadership round tables.

In 1994, Bryan met a motivational speaker that changed the course of his life and put him on the path of personal growth and helping others. This enabled him to find his own passion, which is speaking to and mentoring today’s youth.

One of his favorite quotes is from his mentor John C. Maxwell, “To add value to others, one must first value others.”

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