Why You Need a Business Plan with Harrison Painter from Amplify EQ, hosted by INSPIREsmall.biz

Why You Need a Business Plan

Harrison Painter, with Amplify EQ, talks about how emotional intelligence and your business plan can help propel your business forward.

Here is the transcript from the presentation:

Ryan: So alright, now we’re on to the speaker part of our meeting today. So, December is national write a business plan month, and that’s because times out for being able to make things happen in 2022, your focus needs to be on the new year and how you’re going to start off on the right foot, knowing what direction your business is going to go, so that you’re successful in the next year and your business continues to thrive.

Ryan: So, I would like to introduce everyone to Harrison Painter with Amplify EQ and he’s going to share with us why every business needs a business plan, so let’s give Harrison a hand.

Harrison: Well, hello everybody, I appreciate the warm welcome, amazing group of people.

Harrison: You know, that, this is gonna kind of come round about, but I want to share a tip because so many of you brought up this as the evil thing on the planet. And I want to share something with you because I used to feel that way as well.

Harrison: And I learned a little hack that completely changed my life. So, and I really feel, Carol, I, I think was the one who said it’s always on her hip and, and, and you live and die by it in real estate, my former business.

Harrison: If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is grab this and look at it, understand what’s happening with that. It’s setting the stage for how your day’s gonna go, whether it’s good news, whether it’s bad news, whether it’s anxiety, stress, clients upset with you, whatever that is. If this is the first thing you do, this phone rules you.

Harrison: So, what I’ve done is I bought an old-fashioned alarm clock to wake me up instead of this thing. I put this in my office and I keep it in there when I go to bed. When I wake up, I do not touch that thing for the 1st 30 minutes, I wake up, I do my prayer, my meditation, take my shower, get my coffee, get my head on straight the way that it needs to be. Then I get on this phone.

Harrison: So, basically, I rule the phone. I don’t let it rule me and I, I swear to you if you implement this simple tip it will change your life and mindset and everything, especially about this thing.

Harrison: OK, so, I work in marketing and emotional intelligence and that might seem odd, talking about business plans.

Harrison: But The thing is, you can’t really lead others, you can’t really lead your business until you can lead yourself. We call it self-leadership.

Harrison: And, that creates the amount of self-awareness that you have about yourself. So, as you’re creating a business plan, as you’re working with clients, as you’re prospecting, if you lack a certain amount of self-awareness, you’re putting yourself in a major disadvantage.

Harrison: Now, I’m sorry, I’m just coming off of a cold, so if I sound like a baritone here, that’s why.

Harrison: So, here’s the thing. Science has showed us that 85 to 90% of people think that they have self-awareness, somewhere between 10 and 15% are actually self-aware.

Harrison: Right, so let me ask you guys this question. Would you like to reduce your stress and anxiety? I can see everybody, right?

Harrison: Would you like to be able to make better decisions? Comes in handy making a business plan, right?

Harrison: Would you like to build stronger relationships with other people? I think it was Brett, you know, said it’s very hard to do it here online.

Harrison: And would you like to increase your earning power? I think everybody would like to do that, right?

Harrison: And the good news is you have the power to do these things.

Harrison: We focus so much on our external environments and we don’t focus enough on our internal environments. We focus on the things that we can’t control, and unfortunately we don’t put enough focus on the things we can control.

Harrison: Who knows what emotional intelligence is? Is that something that anybody has studied or really looked in to?

Harrison: So, in its basic form, all it is, is learning to identify, understand, and manage your emotions, and as you do that, you can also learn to identify, manage, and understand the emotions of others, right?

Harrison: And, the more that you can do this, the more that your stress and anxiety will come down, the more empathy you can have, the more perseverance you’ll have.

Harrison: Who enjoys writing a business plan?

Harrison: Yeah, I, I’m not seeing a lot of hands, right?

Harrison: It’s, it’s, it’s one of the, it’s, it’s like paying a, who has a, Jeanette, it’s like paying our taxes, right?

Harrison: Nobody enjoys going through the tax process. Nobody enjoys writing the business plan.

Harrison: How many people think a business plan is static, right? You need to be able to pivot in the business plan.

Harrison: I’m not a big fan of writing these big robust business plans, unless you’re completely forced to, for investment or whatever you need to do, I believe more in an outline of a business plan, because whatever you write and go into in January, I guarantee you is not the business plan you’re going to have, come July, August, September.

Harrison: That creates a lot of stress and anxiety on us as we’re going into the New Year now.

Harrison: We just came out of 2020 and, and all of those challenges were in a very divisive, political world, where in this woke culture world where, you name it, we’re just struggling and divided everywhere that we are.

Harrison: So, it’s OK if you’re worried about your bills and worried about your business, right?

Harrison: But when does all of this start becoming a disorder? Are you obsessing? Are you constantly worrying? Are you losing sleep at night over all these things?

Harrison: Are you avoiding social gatherings? Are you having panic attacks, right?

Harrison: And the reason why I bring all this up is, I live with social anxiety disorder. And I work in marketing. I work in helping people become better leaders.

Harrison: I work, speaking, how do you do that with social anxiety disorder?

Harrison: Well, you put in a lot of work and you focus on your emotional intelligence and self-awareness, so, emotional intelligence helps you adapt, it helps you move, it helps you pivot as you work on it.

Harrison: It gives you the capacity to acquire knowledge and understand. And it, wisdom is the key here.

Harrison: So, one thing that I learned through my life is, I, I worked so hard at acquiring knowledge, right? And that’s external. There’s all kinds of knowledge. We have Google.

Harrison: If knowledge was so important, who thinks the world is getting smarter?

Harrison: Yeah, not a lot of hands, right?

Harrison: It feels like the more technology we have, the dumber we’re getting, so we know knowledge isn’t really the answer, right? We have as much knowledge as you can ever imagine at your fingertips.

Harrison: You want to write a business plan. You can go straight into Google, find 9 templates, 15 YouTube videos, and, and you can absolutely find help with that, right?

Harrison: But, you need to be writing. You need to be working with wisdom and wisdom comes from within.

Harrison: So, the easiest way I can say that is, knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it, and I believe Aristotle said something very close to that.

Harrison: It gives you the ability to comprehend relationships. It gives you the, the ability,, again to make better decisions.

Harrison: So, as you’re writing this plan, this template, these bullet points for the year. These are all things you’re going to consider.

Harrison: Now, one thing that I always recommend is, how many people have taken like a, a, whether it’s an IQ assessment or, or Myers Briggs or DISC, things like that, right?

Harrison: So those are great starting points, IQ and the personality assessments are things that are static.

Harrison: OK, so it’s a starting point.

Harrison: Your personality is pretty much what it is. Your IQ is pretty much what it is.

Harrison: What makes what I do different on the emotional intelligence side is, our assessments are focused on behaviors. These are things that can be changed. These are things that are constantly moving and in motion, so let me ask you this, do you feel the same every single day about your business, right?

Harrison: It’s an emotional roller coaster man. You’re up. You’re down. You’re all around. You have days where you feel on top of the world and you have days where you feel beat up, drag down, you want to quit, right?

Harrison: We’ve all been there so many times.

Harrison: When you start working in emotional intelligence, taking an assessment around that, the other good thing is you can take it annually, semiannually and you can actually look at the progress that you make, through that you can learn to deal better with this emotional roller coaster that is your business.

Harrison: You can start having more empathy for people that are not succeeding, or instead of being jealous about somebody that’s succeeding more than you, you can kind of just celebrate their success instead of being a little bit bitter about it.

Harrison: The most important thing I can say about all of this is when you can lead yourself, you can lead others better. When you can lead yourself, when you have more self-awareness, you can get more prospects, you can land more clients. Instead of just giving a pitch about, look I could have came on here and said look my name is Harrison, I’m with Amplify EQ, I do emotional intelligence assessments and give you some 30 second pitch.

Harrison: I prefer to tell you what gets me out of bed in the morning. And what gets me out of bed in the morning, and think about this when you write your business plan, what gets me out of bed in the morning is a, living, a more fulfilled life.

Harrison: I want to be happy I want to enjoy the things that I’m doing and I want to have a passion to do it. I don’t want to have the days where I don’t want to get up in the morning where I don’t want to get out of bed. That’s #1. #2, I want to help others feel the same way.

Harrison: That’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. I gotta get a drink.

Harrison: Now I want you to think about this too, because this year I’ve already gone through multiple exercises this quarter about setting revenue goals for 2023.

Harrison: And as we go around the table, everybody starts talking about, I want to make 100,000 this year. I want to generate a million in revenue this year, 5,000,000, whatever your number is.

Harrison: Then it comes to me. I want to give away $1,000,000 this year. And typically, the whole table goes silent, but then they’re very interested.

Harrison: Right now, keep in mind, if I give away a million, that means I need to make 3, right, Jeanette? You know, Uncle Sam’s going to take a million of that, right?

Harrison: I’m gonna give away a million, and that means I want to make a million. But the difference here is in the plan. I’m not waking up in the morning to make $1,000,000. I’m waking up in the morning to give away $1,000,000 and make a difference, that creates an entirely different mindset when I wake up.

Harrison: So, I want you to think about that in your business plan.

Harrison: How am I doing on time? Oh, we’re good.

Harrison: Now, emotional intelligence has a 58% influence on job performance, and I think everybody here is an entrepreneur. But 90% of top performing employees have high emotional intelligence. Leaders with empathy performed 40% higher in employee engagement, decision making, and coaching.

Harrison: 40% of HR managers report it’s difficult for them to teach employees soft skills and technical skills. How many people know, like we’ve talked about millennials or Gen Zers, and we understand these cultural differences going on?

Harrison: And to be honest with you, every generation thinks the generation after them as slackers, like in the 90s, I was called a slacker in the 90s, so I don’t think it’s too much really different than what millennials or Gen Zers are doing. I think it’s our self-awareness that we used to be them, now they might be more amplified, I know there’s some things there.

Harrison: But overall we don’t have enough empathy to know we’ve already walked in their shoes and we need to, we need to understand that a little bit more as we manage and work with them because I would assume all of you work with millennials at this point, if you’re in sales or have a business, right?

Harrison: So, it’s very important to understand how they think, who they are, what they do, and if it’s different from your belief system, that’s OK.

Harrison: I mean, you want to work around it, they still have digital cash in their wallets and, and you want their business.

Harrison: This is the one, I think, that these stats here are going to be a little more interesting to you. 44 Fortune 500 companies found salespeople with high emotional intelligence had twice the amount of sales, compared to those with low average scores.

Harrison: And I already told you most of us have low average scores. 15% of us actually are self aware.

Harrison: Employees with high IQ scores earn additional $30,000 on average per year than those with lower IQ. And every additional point, your IQ score means an extra 1300 bucks in yearly salary.

Harrison: So, you can take that 10X if you’re in sales, right? I mean, this is a salary-based thing. Most of us here are based on commission or our sales.

Harrison: So, as you’re writing this business plan, and as I come to a close here, think about in your plan, how to write it in a way that you’re going to want to actually implement what’s in it, because if you don’t enjoy the plan, if it’s not a process that’s going to make you get out of bed and be happy, you’re not going to follow it, #1.

Harrison: #2, don’t live and die by it. Make sure that you can pivot at any point within that plan. Just to be able to improve but collect data along the way. Make sure that it’s working or it’s not working before you pivot.

Harrison: So just find ways to collect data in marketing.

Harrison: How, what’s our click through rate right? What, all those different kind of things?

Harrison: And make sure that you are part of groups like this, where you can come into, like I create safe spaces for people to come into, high performers, they can come in and say look out here, I have to be on all the time.

Harrison: Man, I gotta be looking good, feeling good, successful looking, busy, all those things, but you need a space like this to come into and say, man, Ryan, I’m struggling. You know my revenue numbers are down, I’m not, for some reason, something’s not clicking, and I need help, right?

Harrison: And that’s why groups like this are so powerful and, and so needed.

Harrison: I always say in these type of groups, we’re not going to get rich off of each other. You might make a few bucks here and there, get a few referrals, but the power in these groups are in being able to help each other during the bad times. Being able to pick each other up during those times and then being able to celebrate in each other’s victories and I just don’t think we do that enough.

Harrison: And I think sometimes our lack of self-awareness gets in the way. We have too much pride. We have too much ego. We have too much bravado if you will.

Harrison: And you need these spaces to be humble, to be authentic, because it’s, I, I don’t care if the guy next to you is making 100 million a year and the one on the left just started their business and they’ve got zero revenue. You can learn something from both of those people, does that make sense?

Harrison: Alright, so who’s excited? A little more excited now to write the business plan.

Harrison: Come on, come on, I love it. I love it so and I’m always here for any help, but I do emotional intelligence assessments.

Harrison: I do these kind of private, invite only groups of people that have taken the assessment, they’re masterminds. We really break down all the different attributes, our behaviors, how we can work on it.

Harrison: And then I also help people through that secret sauce that just hit record, so, creating a setup like this where you can look better on zoom, where you can do different types of logging, and all that type of thing.

Harrison: So, I help people do that, but I do it through authenticity, because before you do this and start sharing everything with the world, you really need to understand who you are, because if you create a character-

Harrison: A prime example, Liver King, anybody familiar with the Liver King?

Harrison: No, OK, so the Liver King is a guy that kind of came out of nowhere. He, he’s this big, huge, buff guy, never wears a shirt. His whole stick was this primal lifestyle, so he’s eating raw liver. He has a whole supplement line and it’s kind of this whole brand that he created.

Harrison: Well in his world, we all knew he was on steroids, but he was very adamant that he was not. And so, he created a brand that was not really authentic, right?

Harrison: And the thing about social media? In the end, the truth always comes out.

Harrison: Well, an e-mail got leaked and it was his entire regimen with his doctor of the amount of steroids that he takes. So now he has to come out, he has to do the apology tour. His credibility is gone and if he would have just taken an emotional intelligence assessment, if he would have understood that the authenticity was the key to his success, and that this was going to be a short-lived thing that wasn’t going to go well, he would have fared much better, so look him up because it’s a fascinating story and it can show you if you’re not being your authentic self, how quickly you can just crumble.

Harrison: Alright Ryan, I think that’s I know my time is probably up here. I could go on for hours.

Ryan: Well, everyone, let’s get started asking Harrison some questions here.

Ryan: But not all at once.

Harrison: Don’t be shy now.

Carol: Harrison, is there a, a test that you do or just a one-on-one conversation as far as figuring that out for people?

Harrison: Now our process is we, we have, we have an assessment that usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes to take. Then after that you get the results and you go into about a 90-minute workshop.

Harrison: Right now, we have Doctor Snively. He’s a PhD. He’s actually the guy that created the assessment. He does the workshops.

Harrison: I’m in process of getting qualified myself on them.

Harrison: And then from there if people want to then they can go into a mastermind program that I facilitate and run around everything. So that’s kind of the overall process.

Carol: Is there a price structure based on the step that you’re in? Like, if you just want to know what your level is in?

Harrison: Yeah, so we have we, we have the assessment is $399 and that includes the workshop.

Harrison: And then the masterminds are $499 a month, and then we have a private group that’s about $1200 a year. And that’s kind of the alumni group that we meet every week- Or, I mean, sorry, every month. And that one’s in person, the, the monthly one’s in person.

Ryan: Harrison, what advice would you give to a brand-new entrepreneur today who’s just getting their business off the ground if you were speaking to that person over a cup of coffee, what advice would you give them?

Harrison: Wow, that’s, number one, find a mentor. I, I really wish I would have found a mentor earlier on in my career. I, I’m writing a book right now that kind of explains the social anxiety and all the things that go into that, but I, you know, I just didn’t ask enough people for help, number one, and then #2, as you do start getting a little bit of success, don’t let it go to your head, because I have found in my career, money is very easy to make, it’s very hard to keep, right?

Harrison: And that’s where the business plan comes in. That’s where people like Jeanette come in. You really need to be surrounded by people that will help you keep your money.

Harrison: But mentorship man, you can’t beat me there. There is no better advice on the planet than mentorship, absolutely.

Harrison: Even [basketball player Michael] Jordan had a coach, right? Even Tiger Woods had a coach. All those, you know, you hear that, that’s true.

Ryan: Does anyone else have a question for Harrison?

Harrison: Are you guys gonna implement? Try the phone thing? That’s what I’m excited to hear about from everybody.

Harrison: I’ll pop back on, in a month and see if anybody, you know, if you want to give any feedback on if you did that and if it helped you.

Harrison: Yeah, it’s hard, though, I’m, I’m not gonna lie, that, that’s so hard.

Ryan: Well, Harrison, before we wrap up, could you give everyone a way to get a hold of you- website, e-mail phone number, however you like to get in contact with folks?

Harrison: Yeah, absolutely. So, you can go to amplifyeq.com. That’s the, the, the kind of private group of, of the assessments and all that, and you go to amplifyprosperity.com. And that’s where I have my podcast. Amplify Prosperity Podcast and a whole lot more coming in 2023, because I’m actually working on my business plan as we speak.

Ryan: Awesome, well everyone, let’s give Harrison a hand for his presentation today.

Harrison: Thank you, thank you.

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