Watch Hina Chaudhary talk about how women are a challenge to other women.

Women Vs Women – Hina Chaudhary – Sparks June 2018

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Watch Hina Chaudhary talk about how women are a challenge to other women. To learn more about Hina visit her LinkedIn profile by clicking this link

Hina Chaudhary is the owner & Medical Aesthetician at the award winning Ambiance Day Spa in Fishers (est 2012 & won 2017 best facial rank from Indy A list). She has been working in beauty business for more than a Decade. She migrated with Family from India at a very young age. She is also a wife and mom of 2 beautiful girls ages 12 & 3. She has served as aesthetic trainer, self-motivator and have recently been featured on Wish TV and She is also a co- founder of public nonprofit charity called America’s Role Models (est 2017) with a mission to educate youth on mental health & help women in distress. I’m 2018 she hopes for another big year as she has expanded the day spa to a medical spa.

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